The TI-5000JX and TI-3000JX testers have a DC voltage output of 5V which is used to power many compatible encoders. Some feedback devices exist that require a different power supply. We offer a few different adapter modules to compensate for common feedbacks, such as the TI-5104 adapter module which provides 8VDC for SICK Stegmann Hiperface encoders (rated at 7-12VDC) and Indramat digital encoders. The TI-5105 adapter module provides +15VDC and -15VDC outputs commonly used for Hall effect sensors, but this module is not compatible with serial feedback devices.
In some situations you may need to power the encoder separately as you don't have a compatible adapter module, or we don't offer a module that supports the voltage requirement of your feedback device under test.
When powering a feedback device with your own DC supply, make sure to share the minus of your DC supply with the common ground of our testers (J1 pin 2). The positive of your DC supply should go directly to the feedback power wire, which should be disconnected from our J1 terminal block (J1 pin 1).
Below is a picture showing a spare DC supply being used to provide 15VDC to an SSI encoder with a power requirement of 10-30VDC. Make sure that the voltage output of your feedback device does not exceed 15VDC, as this is the max voltage that our testers can accept.
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