These old Siemens 1FT5 motors typically have two separate feedbacks that need to be tested and aligned; a Hall effects for commutation and a 3-phase AC tach. Some motors will also be equipped with a generic incremental encoder. All except the AC tach can be tested using the generic incremental selection on the TI-5000JX. The AC tach has to be tested with an oscilloscope for proper alignment (see video below).
The Halls and tach are tested using the TI-5055 test cable. The Hall effects should align as follows, using the toggle pulse (H/L) as the guide for alignment:
H1 H2 H3
+U-V H/L H L
+U-W L H L/H
There is an access hole on the side of the motor which will allow you to adjust the tach stator with a screwdriver. You will need to back-drive the motor and be able to view the waveforms with a scope as shown in the datasheet. One scope probe will be on the motor winding U-V, and the other on the tach signal. Along with testing alignment of the tach, you should also be recording the amplitude of the tach waveform. The motor nameplate will often list the output voltage of the tach for comparison.
Motor Datasheet:
Here is a video on aligning Halls :
And a quick video of the tacho alignment:
Generic Incremental Encoder Option
Your motor may or may not come with an additional incremental encoder. If so, it is tested with a separate cable. The TI-5022 (12 pin M23) or TI-5054 (17 pin MS) or common connections, but there may be others. For the encoder, simply perform a Count Test to verify the encoder is working. The alignment of the encoder is not crucial since commutation is performed by the Hall effects.
TI-5055 Hall/Tach motor cable
TI-5022 Encoder cable
TI-5054 Encoder cable
The motor should be run from the Hall effects using the TI-3000JX “Generic Pulse>120Deg” selection.
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